Happy TRUE Friendship Day

Firstly, to all the unbreakable relationships out there, I wish you a beautiful day to commemorate your friendship. We know the values in a blood relation that celebrates Fathers day, Mothers day, Rakshabandhan etc but in true friendship, there is unconditional love that could even challenge a blood relation and worthy of being marked for a celebration.

Over these many years, if there is one thing I have learnt about friendship, then that is “Tough times will always Reveal True friends”. Both in my own experience and knowledge I have found this to be true. Its easy to be there for each other when the fun days are on, but those difficult days and hours of grief reveal who your true and real friends are; the one who stands by you… the one who takes the beating for you… the one who considers your problem as if its their own… the one who does not need to be thanked for what they’ve done for you.. We have to respect that people have their priorities in life and hence never to forcefully expect anything from your friends, but a true friend will always show up at your doorstep the second they smell the need to do so. On this day, let me wish each one of you to have such a friend or more than one person who will hold you the moment you fall down, no matter what !

From school and college days, I remember it being customary to wear friendship bands around the wrist on this day and as you look around, the wrists with more bands indicate having more friends. Its hard to find those customs these days, I think the newer generation is all about Social Media wishes more than in person and through wrist bands. The evolution of friendship band was uncanny where it started with people spending time shopping for the right wrist band with different colours and threads. Then it moved to rubber bracelets which were easier to buy and more durable. Before you knew it, online shopping took over and people rarely find time to shop a wrist band for their friends anymore. The irony is that life’s become so much more easier and accessible to such things but made us lazier to get even the easiest of things.

To sum it up… Go find that TRUE friend who wouldn’t leave your side even on the toughest days of your life. Cherish it like its the best thing thats ever happened to you.. Wishing everyone a True and Happy International Friendship Day !

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